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▸ What is the difference between grass fed beef and grass finished beef?
All beef is grass fed. Grass fed simply means that at some point in that animal's life it was fed grass. It does not mean that it was not finished on grains, which is what most of us grew up eating. Grass finished means that the animal's diet is 100% grasses. It is not given grains to fatten up. This normally would mean that the animal is significantly leaner than traditionally raised animals, however with proper care, time and knowledge some farmers have been able to figure out ways to keep the animals well marbled while keeping them on a natural grass diet.
▸what do they feed them in the winter if they are 100% grass fed?
Silage! And swath grazing. This is a complex process, but the short of it is that farmers will grow certain grass crops throughout the summer and ferment them for the animals' winter feed. These crops can be alfalfa, rye grass, or any other variant of grass. In the summer these grasses are cut and fermented to make a nutritious feed for our cow friends! They are also put on pastures (swath grazing) so that in the winter the animals can dig for them, all the while this helps promote healthy soil!
▸Is it really better for you?
That is actually a very complex question with a controversial complex answer that I will simply put my own opinion on. Nutritionally there is definitely an argument that grass finished beef has better balance between omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. There is also evidence that supports higher levels of other nutrients like Vitamin A and E as well as higher levels of Linoleic acid. However for me the ethical and environmental aspects of grass finished beef is what really sells it. The animals get to be animals in this style of farming. Being part of the natural balance of our grasslands ecosystem. The animals get to live a full happy life on beautiful pastures and experience “one bad day”. This to me is why I have switched over to eating 100% grass finished beef and decided to start a shop dedicated to spreading the word of these ranchers who work so hard to deliver this amazing product.
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